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A silica-based spray that provides a protective hydrophobic coating or enhances the durability, gloss, and repellency of a ceramic coat.

Q²M Cure

  • Gyeon Q²M Cure is an innovative, silica-based solution designed to maintain and extend the life of your ceramic coatings by enhancing the durability, gloss, and repellency of it. It’s efficient, with one or two sprays being enough to cover an entire panel with a protective, effective, and hydrophobic coating. The quartz coating prevents water spots and works as a quick detailer to remove all potential streaks and residual water for a vivid shine. 


    Directions:Use 1-2 sprays per panel - Use an applicator pad to spread the product and create a thin even layer - Dilute 1:1 with demineralised water to make wipe off easier and reduce possible streaks on dark paints.

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